Tuesday 28 February 2017

5 Enjoyable corporate fun games for your team

To have a successful corporate structure, the employees must cultivate the ability to coordinate with one another. Having a synchronized workforce is, however, not an event but a process requiring precise planning and regular practice. This is only possible through responsible communication and trust among the employees. One of the most effective ways to inculcate trust is by organizing indoor fun games for corporate events to create the environment for team building.

Many businesses, however, shy from these activities because of the impression that they are expensive. You should know that there are so many activities that your people can engage in at no cost except the staff hour spent during the corporate indoor fun games. Take the step and encourage your team to learn about these games to help in breaking the walls within the company. This list is not just another set of boring games that your staff will participate in as a rule but will actually enjoy and loose themselves into your great amazement.

1 Winner/loser
This indoor fun games for corporate events requires two or more participants and takes only 5 minutes to complete. The first partner shares with partner B something negative that happened to him at work or on a personal level. It has to be a true story. He tells the story again but only focusing on the positive memory. The second partner explores the silver lining to this story, and then they switch roles. This game helps the players learn how to reframe the negative situation in a positive light and a learning experience.

2 games of possibilities
corporate fun games for your teamFor your team building exercises, consider this wonderful indoors bonding activity. It is designed for one or more small groups and takes about 5 minutes. Start by giving an object to an individual in each group and one at a time someone goes up to demonstrate the use of this object without speaking. Meanwhile, the rest of the group guesses what the player is demonstrating. This demonstration has to be some original wacky idea that is both intriguing and funny for everyone. It aims to inspire creativity among the group members in an enjoyable environment.

3 The barter puzzle

corporate fun games for your teamDesigned for four or more groups, this indoors fun group game can be done in 1 to 2 hours. It involves breaking the team into small, equally-sized groups and give each group a different jigsaw puzzle. This game aimed at finding out which group can finish the puzzle first. Some of the pieces will be mixed with the puzzle of another group, and it is upon the groups to come up with a formula to get those puzzles relevant to them. This requires trade-offs, negotiations and even exchanging team members. Whatever decision they come up with must be done as a group.

This indoor fun games for corporate events will rely heavily on the leadership and problem-solving skills. Since a team consists of different skilled individuals, some will stand and out while others stand back but the decision must be made as a team in consensus.

4 Truth and lies

To excite your employees and develop closer working relationships, revealing fun corporate activities like truth and lies can be applied. It requires five or more players and can last between 10 and 15 minutes. The group sits in a circle and have each member come up with three facts about themselves and one lie. Pick a realistic lie without exaggeration. The three facts and a lie should be stated in a random order and let the others guess which is true and which is the lie.

corporate fun games for your team
If you want to break the ice in a team, this is the way to begin. It gets employees know more about one another, therefore, building trust and breaking down the walls that existed before this. This works best for a new team with members who know so little about one another. It eliminates the common snap judgments among the team members, and give introverts a level playing field to talk about themselves in a group just like the rest.

5 This is better than that
Engage your team and liven up their spirits with this mind teasing corporate bonding game. It is open to any number of participants and takes about 20 minutes. Group the participants into even teams and give each a scenario that requires problem-solving using only the given objects. For example “you are stranded on a desert and only has a mirror.” Each team should rank the usefulness of the object. Your aim is to inspire creativity as a team to solve the problem at hand. Make the scenario difficult to make the team crack their minds, shares ideas and work together resulting in teamwork through these indoor fun games for corporate events

Tuesday 14 February 2017

The Benefits of Team Building Events at Work

That old saying, "there is no 'I' in team", may just prove to be true. While every person within a team is valued and contributes in their own way, the goal is to think and operate as a unit. If your business can accomplish smooth teamwork among it's employees, chances are the success rate will flourish. Groups within your organization must trust each other, have a mutual understanding and be able to take into consideration the thoughts and actions of others. Work based team building events can seriously improve the efficiency of your business; and believe it or not, stem from fun and laughter.

 Team Building Events at Work

For a lot of people going to work may just be clocking in, getting your work done, and clocking out. While the work may get done, there is a lack of enthusiasm; and this can translate across the board. Infusing your team with devotion and certain amount of passion can change  the work atmosphere and result in a successful business. Getting your employees involved in an activity such as team building events at work can bring people out of their shell, bring about natural relationships and remind people that you can have fun while succeeding.
Team Building Events at Work 
An important part of team building is experiential learning. This means getting hands on with activities and getting everyone involved. Involvement in corporate team building events can bring people out of their comfort zones and give them more confidence to perform. These events range from a multitude of different tasks that challenge your employees physically, mentally and most importantly as participants of a unit.


   Work team building events can range from any activity; from a scavenger hunt, game show, races, cooking competitions, treks through the woods, constructing things such as boats and bridges. The point is that roles will naturally fall into place for every person on a team, and you will watch as each team member rises to the occasion to provide support for everyone. The point here is that every person get involved and bring something to the table, while having fun and even being a bit silly. Laughter is a key component when successfully partaking in corporate team building events.

Team Building Events at WorkSharing moments with others that invoke laughter and creativity automatically form bonds and build trust. It is the essence of team building activities to enhance the silliness in every teammate and to give them the chance to step outside their everyday adult selves. Enforcing the ability to act on instinct naturally brings about confidence in each and every team member. Confidence is essential to every success, whether it is building a bridge, or building a relationship with that important client. The tools your employees need to success corporately are expertly hidden in their abilities to complete a scavenger hunt with their fellow coworkers. 

Participants may shy away from certain activities they may automatically think they will not be good at. It is then up to the rest of the team to help build that team member up, and enforce confidence in that person. Team building events are more about the interaction between team members, rather than winning. It is often the obstacle of suffering a loss where people need more guidance and support. If your employees are able to build each other up, then that is a surefire way of knowing you can succeed as a unit and as a business, no matter what obstacles you face.

Fusion Team Building is an organization that has a goal of creating effortless teamwork within your business. It is the belief, that in creating mutual trust and understanding between your coworkers, that your business can flourish. Your employees are, after all, the integral cogs within your organization. Provide every employee with the opportunity to get involved, to find their confidence while helping building up the confidence of others. Providing this unique experience for your employees may just be the difference between those who clock in, then clock out. Give your business that extra flair, and give your employees the chance to find their highest potential.

Monday 6 February 2017

A Guide to Corporate Team Building Events

Successful teams operate as a unit, while thriving as individuals. There is a mutual understanding between each member, an unwavering trust in each other's responsibilities. Teams work hard to achieve this trust and the effort to fall in sync with one another; businesses are no different. Teamwork within a corporation is invaluable. There is a way for your business to practice teamwork, to become competent communicators and thrive as individuals and as a unit. Corporate team building events give your employees the chance to participate in hands on activities that highlight their abilities to work within a team. 


Who said learning had to be boring? With activities such as the corporate Olympics, scavenger hunts, canoe races, game shows and the like, your employees can come together in an atmosphere of fun, laughter, camaraderie and team building. We are adults, but that does not mean we shouldn't have some fun. Corporate team building requires a huge amount of laughter. Sharing a fun experience with others naturally brings people together, and can result in huge strides in teamwork and confidence. It can also form effortless relationships with those around you, which can seriously improve your work environment. 

Activities that invoke silliness automatically bring out a natural flair in people. It is this tactic that allows individuals to really show confidence in their role and become outgoing and show their potential. Forget about your corporate position at the moment, and think about how your team is going to cross that finish line at the end of your canoe race. Dodge obstacles, find your way through road blocks, strategize and find your creative potential with this hands on, corporate team building events. You'll be surprised to see how each fun obstacle reflects the obstacles you may find at the office, and how each employee rises to the occasion to overcome it. It is this instinctual problem solving, and responsibility of roles that will make your corporation thrive from within. Each team will have to surrender themselves to each other, creating a bonding and trust that must exist in a work environment. These activities have the potential to give every person confidence in their work role, and to thrive within it as you reach your common business goal.


Within each unit, are individuals with unique strengths. Team building activities really bring to the forefront which team members define certain roles. The quiet person may all of a sudden find that they have leadership skills and carry their team effortlessly through an intense race. Or the woman down the hall who you barely talk to, might have an aptitude for literature that can get your team ahead in the game show activity. Watch as each person comes into their own, creating their personal roles, and guiding others to success. 

These hands on activities can inadvertently help your employees adapt to corporate skills. Time restricted activities allow for practice in time management. Activities that require problem solving really require utilization of strategy and the input of all team members. The events of corporate team building will organically unfold before your eyes, as every member has a first hand lesson in team collaboration. 

Fusion Associates has a mission to provide unforgettable fun for your corporation, while allowing your employees to step out of their comfort zone and learn about themselves and each other. A business will struggle to thrive without trust and companionship, and your customers will return to you knowing that every person is valued and trusted. Join in the fun, let loose, enjoy healthy competition and team building exercise that will provide priceless exposure to what it really means to me a TEAM. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Learn More About Information Technology Team Building Activities

 Technology Team Building Activities

Do you want your business to stand out amongst the rest? Assuming the answer is yes, it is time to explore options outside the box, open your mind and get creative. Information Technology is an invaluable cog in the world of business. It is therefore vital that team members within IT achieve quality services with efficiency and diligence. In order to do accomplish this, a flowing work ethic must be in place bound by mutual trust and solid communication within a team. IT team building activities can provide precious lessons that give your business that extra flair, and pave the road to success.


            Giving your employees the tools to improve communication and teamwork can be an invaluable thing for your business.  More than just learning about the importance of team building, exposing your IT employees to active participation in team building is a priceless experience. Teambuilding activities hone in on the very things that make companies successful and initiate solid communication and trust from within. 

            Let's get creative; these activities don't have to be boring. On the contrary, room for enjoyment and fun is the very key to successful experiential learning. Scavenger hunts, races, game shows and other creative training activities can really mirror the obstacles that may appear at work. Teams will encounter detours, road blocks and have to use their instincts and team collaboration to successfully navigate through these challenges. Team building activities will give your IT employees the opportunity to utilize their creative potential at problem solving, to speak up when they have an idea or suggestion, to trust others suggestions and collaborate in ways that can only benefit your organization. 

            IT team building activities have the ability to get to the root of teamwork and it's value in the workplace. No business can flourish without communication, trust and a common purpose.  Expanding team performance through these fun activities is a unique opportunity and learning experience. Allowing team members to challenge themselves individually, and expanding that confidence in a group setting really gives each person a sense of purpose, respect and value within your business. These teambuilding activities require every team to define roles and responsibilities amongst each person, to set realistic goals and do their best to reach them with the tools provided.


            While these activities certainly are geared towards the value of teamwork, it is equally important that every individual is able to recognize their own value within your business. Some people are natural leaders, some are critical thinkers and problem solvers and others may learn from observation. The point is, every role is defined, important and attributes to a teams success. Having a common goal, using every unique tool each team member brings to the table, is how teams succeed. 

            From starting line to finish line, it is up to each team to navigate successfully and as a unit. Fusion Associates have proudly structured activities with expert theories and research, in order to give your business the chance at a second to none, teambuilding experience. It is Fusion Associates belief that these fun, hands on activities help build strong organizations through maximizing individual and team performance. Allowing every employee to confidently play their important role within a team, and finding that common purpose from within. Sparking creative potential, time management skills, utilizing instincts and competent strategizing; these are just some of the invaluable lessons your team can learn first hand. Give your business the opportunity to success from the inside out.