Monday 6 March 2017

Outdoor team building activities for work

outdoor team building activity

Every once in a while, it is an excellent idea to get a group or workforce together and reinforce the team concept. In today's high-speed, high-stress world, it is easy to become self-absorbed and take care of only Number One. We all could use a reminder once in awhile that we are one piece of a bigger picture and have to work together to accomplish many tasks; here are some ideas for outdoor team building activities. Your employees will not only get excited to be outside, but they will also get to interact with each other in a fun way, thereby boosting team bonding. Here is the list of outdoor team building activities that are perfect for any group size:

* Create a Garden and Give Back to Nature

Gardening - two-way benefits for your team and nature. Gather your team and spend the half day planting a garden at any local place such as a hospital, neighborhood or park. You & your team will spend quality time with each other in a natural setting, as well as help make the world a better place together.

* Host Outdoor Fitness Session

Doing fitness-related activities such as mini-marathon, obstacle climbing wall, raft building or running in a pair of two are some of the ways to encourage your team to get fit and know their teammates. The time spent exercising in fun ways with a group is good for their body and mind. They will be able to come back to office re-energized.

* A Day Out on a Desert Safari

Take your whole team on a dessert safari. A day out is a perfect brainstorming activity as team members will collectively think of creative ways to make their tents and cook their food together. For organizing such activities, it's better you hire team building companies in USA as they will provide assistance in all the aspects of this outdoor fun activity for your company so that you & your team enjoy your fun day out.

Another of these activities  and one that elicits quite a bit of laughter and fun is "American football out bowl. " It is an incredibly simple game that allows groups to team up in a familiar, yet novel manner. The concept is easy; two teams play soccer (football to the world outside of the US) using an American football. There is no goalie so the ball simply needs to be kicked over the goal line. This is easier said than done because of the oblong shape of the football guarantees that the ball will bounce every which way. Not only does everyone get a good laugh, but it is a great equalizer that puts every team member on equal footing. Even those adept at soccer and/or football will have a hard time adjusting to the ball's erratic movements, creating a sense of equality among all the players.

Another fun team activity is to hang a tire between two trees. The group lines up and passes one team member through the tire without allowing him or her to touch the ground or the sides of the tire. This is great for building trust in the person being passed through for his or her teammates that he or she won't be dropped to the earth and that this will be accomplished while following the rules. Those doing the carrying may need to come to the aid of a teammate who might not be able to carry another person alone. Everyone helps out and gets involved.

Don't forget about the proven outdoor team building activity known as the scavenger hunt. Even the popular television show The Amazing Race is based on this premise; give teams a list of items to find and cut them loose. To heighten the level of amusement, you can place the items far apart and have the teams drive around the community to scrounge them up. It's a clean competition that lets people work together to accomplish a task.

Although Corporate team building activities are often the brunt of jokes in the office place, the team building process is important for developing cooperation and teamwork amongst co-workers. Fun Corporate Activities helps employees form an effective team and strive toward common goals in the workplace, improving overall productivity. Outdoor team building activities are a nice alternative to the projects found at work or school. It's more pleasant to form bonds with others when you are having a good time. The environment created outside can be carried back inside and the job will get done with a stronger team.